Where logic goes out the window and the cat drags in stupidity! >:D

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm cheating on my Twitter -shhh-

  So I've been failing pretty damn hard at being a faithful blogger. I remember, I used to blog on Livejournal, and I had soo much fun in the beginning. I think I posted like..five times? And then I just gave up, because apparently it's too much work to write a fricking post once in a while. Ugh. Thus, when I began this blog, I told myself I would stay faithful this time, fer sure. Yeah..that's obviously going REALLY well -.-
  Alright, now that I'm done badgering myself...what to talk about? Hrm..as of right now, I have a really boring life. I'm not attending school yet, and so I pretty much spend every day either watching movies, reading manga online, and (on the rare occasion) cleaning. It's really boring. You know your life is kinda pathetic when the highlight of your week is going to therapy, because it's basically the only thing you go out of the house for. I mean, I LOOVE it when I get to hang out with Bestie, but I can't really look forward to it, because I never know if I'll actually be able to go or not. Blech. I've been making an effort to hang out every Saturday though. And..let's not jinx it, but..it seems to be working out pretty well. C: Bestie says he has Friday off of school, so I should come over real early, so we can spend the whole day together!! I really hope this works out, I love Bestie :33
  Speaking of hanging out with Bestie, we spent Saturday together. Like..1pm to 12am. It was AMAZINGNESS. He got a..hrm..what's it called? ps3 eye camera? Whatevers, he got one of those, and we figured out how to make it work on his computer as a webcam. We spent the entire day (that is, until we went to see a movie..talk about that in a minute) on Omegle Video Chat (which is essentially Chatroulette, just with a far better layout). I actually volunteered to be on camera (which is odd for me) and Bestie refused. But, after a while, he put on his sequin Lady GaGa masquerade mask, and popped up on the camera at random times. We ate popsicles provacatively, and grabbed the attention of many pervy old guys. It was hilarious! And, apparently, I'm really hot for an omegle girl, so pretty much every guy was like "tits or gtfo", and there were a few times that I would be like "Okay ;) ;)" and stand up, and pretend to lift up my shirt, and then Bestie would disconnect right as I was doing it. I bet it really pissed those guys off! XDDD
  On another note, the movie. We went to see Charlie St. Cloud (because Zac Efron is Bestie's man!!) and, it was actually really really good! The plot twist was great (!!) and the ending wasn't weak or stupid at all. The acting was pretty much a 10/10, as was the story. I was very very impressed. There was one scene though, where Charlie (Zac) is running away from his brother's funeral, into the forest, and it kinda made me sad. It majorly reminded me of when I couldn't stay at that last funeral...ugh. Anyways, Imma try to not make this blog all emo and stuff, so yeah :p To another subject!
  Twitter. I used to be all "Twitter is so stupid! What's the point, you guise? Nobody reads that crap!" and then I discovered Echofon. Echofon is an application (which got me addicted, and then stopped working >:I ) for your iPhone or iPod touch, and it makes Twitter easily accesible, and easier to use than Safari on your iThing. And I FUCKING LOVE IT. I tweet ridiculously. Like. A lot. About things nobody cares about. But apparently people do care. I have..51 followers? yeah. Which really isn't a lot, but it's a FUCKING LOT for me. That means that 51 people actually enjoy reading the pointless ship (yes, ship) that I write on there CC: yay! The downside is that it makes taking the time to sit down and actually write a decent blog post (or any blog post at all, for that matter) seem perposterously difficult. I just really want to stay faithful to this blog, so I have to cheat on my Twitter, and do this anyways. Let's hope Joey Greco doesn't come bursting into my room with a camera crew and a little blue bird on his shoulder.

  If you happen to want to follow me, my username is Xneko_cupcakesX (yeah, I know. soooo ScenexCore DX )
  Soo..my fingers hurt. I'll try posting something else later. Maybe. Probably not. Love you guys! (you know, to whoever reads this.)

1 comment:

  1. hi new on the blog (: I know all about failing the reugular blogging... bah
    so who is bestie if i can ask? A picture maybe??? :P

    btw great blog! and love the picture of you in the sidebar ->
