Where logic goes out the window and the cat drags in stupidity! >:D

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I had meant to start writing this post a lot earlier D:<  Why must I wait until I am nodding off to begin with the writing!?
This is a terrible first entry. ffffffffffffffffffffffff I'll make another one tomorrow yes yes. Maybe. >-> No, yes. I will! -determined face- So my plan for tonight was to stay up ssuuuuuuupppeeeeeerrrrrrr late and get up around 9am. Then I has to be responsible (what with the cleaning and the dishes and whatnot)


So nao I have this terrible fatigue..but with an extra side of determination to stay up. The way I see it, tonight is my night to stay up and screw around on the internets for as long as I can keep my eyes open...and if I cave in and go to sleep (which would be just w o n d e r f u l !) I would be forced to wait until I complete my tasks later todai. And...that sounds like the opposite of wonderful DDD:
Bahhhh. I need sleep. ffuuu. Okais. Polysics for a bit, a trip to the closet :3 and maybe bed. gah. -no willpower-
Was that spastic light a car driving by? Or was it LIGHTNING!?!?!?!!! O: OHGAWDWTFAHH

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